Saturday, April 2, 2011

“Life seems but a quick succession of busy nothings.”

This oft misattributed to Jane Austen quote from the movie adaptation of her book “Mansfield Park” seems to describe the last year of my life more than anything that I could write. All of the sudden I blinked and 2010 was over and I had been in Panama for almost two years! Even so, I’ve been chided several times by my dear friends Amy and Gennifer for not updating my blog more often. So now, more than a year after my last update, I am going to update.

As is not a secret, I’m pretty long winded. I’m sure anybody who has ever read my blog is now thinking, “Sweet mother! She’s going to write about an entire year. I’ll never be able to finish reading this boring blog.” Not to worry my friendly readers, I’ve decided to sum up what happened in each of the twelve months of 2010 in two sentences or less per month. That’s a mere 24 sentences. And before you go thinking I can’t do it, just watch me.

January 2010
I spent all of J
anuary working from home in Kansas and recovering from the meniscus repair surgery that was supposed to have a three day recovery period and turned out to be an eight week recovery. It was nice to spend some more time with my family.

February 2010
I was released to walk without using crutches February 2nd, returned to Panama from the US on February 4th, and got on a plane and headed to Schaan (Lichtenstein – Corporate HQ) on February 6th for a week of training. It may have hurt to walk, but I got to go to Carnival in Austria.

March 2010

I had a dear friend from Sc
haan and a dear friend from Argentina in Panama to help me do testing for the launch of the website in Argentina. We all traveled together some and definitely enjoyed our time.

April 2010
Just a normal month of working in Panama and preparing for the launch of the Argentine website. I also stared the process to get my visa to be able to travel to Brazil…a venture I hope to never have to grapple with again.

May 2010

The troll at the Brazilian consulate refused my visa and I had to send the Director of Finance, a Brazilian, to try to sweet talk her into letting me have a visa. I received the visa less than 24 hours before I left for my first trip to the office in Sao Paulo, Brazil (You even have to have purchased a ticket before they will even start the visa process.).

June 2010
Kara arrived in Panama, after many, many problems in the trip exactly a half day after I returned from Brazil. We went to one of the most beautiful places on Earth, San Blas, and had an adventure we’ll never forget with a crazy Argentine/Brazilian boat captain. Kara also had the luxury of helping me clean up my apartment after it flooded with feces (as seems to be my luck every time I live in an apartment.) I also spent a week in Argentina helping them prepare for the launch. (I know. I know. This month had four sentences, but a lot happened!)

I've included three pictures from our adventure:

Kara and I at the Panama Canal restaurant (with a ship passing through the locks)

I took this picture the first day we were in San Blas

Me testing the water proof camera we purchased and generally acting like usual

July 2010
Just a regular month working in the office and preparing to launch the Argentine website.

August 2010
At the end of the month I headed to Argentina for two weeks (I was there the first week of September too.) to launch the site. I had a blast working with my Argentina co-workers and catching up with old friends. I also changed apartments due to the little plumbing issue mentioned in June…because it happened again.

September 2010
The day before I turned 32 years old, I was on a flight to Brazil and it began to plunge out of the sky, even giving me enough time to think as we’re falling, “I just might not survive this one.” Thankfully there were good pilots in charge and we did land safely, with few injuries, a short time later in Sao Paulo.

October 2010
Nothing new this month besides a new head of the company for Latin America. He knows what he’s doing and you better be ready to do your job, but I like that.

November 2010
Kara and I decided way back in July that we would surprise mom and dad by my coming home for Thanksgiving. My dear friend Gennifer picked me up at the airport and took me to Kansas where Kara took me on to Fort Scott. Thankfully we didn’t give mom a heart attack and we had a great Thanksgiving celebration together.

December 2010
Just one week and half after I returned from Thanksgiving break I was headed back to the US for Christmas. We did have our end of the year office party at a beach resort one weekend…that was a new and very lovely event. I arrived home for Christmas safe and sound and nice and tan.

And that, my friends, is the short story of what happened to me in 2010.

Okay, so, those who were thinking there was no way in God’s green Earth that I was going to be able to describe each month in just two sentences were right. But I was so close…but it’s still really long I realize now!

I hereby make a promise to do better this year at updating…but only if you guys read it.

Peace out!

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