Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Blog Shmog

I was thinking about how wonderful modern technology can be the other day. Thanks to modern technology we can get across the country in a matter or hours (by plane) or days (by car) instead of months with a horse and wagon. We can pick up a mobile telephone and communicate with anyone anywhere in the world at any time while we're walking down the street as opposed to sending a messenger on foot who we hope makes it to the next town alive, never mind the next country. We send information zooming across fiber optic lines to someone half the world away and they receive it before we can even ask them if they've received over the telephone. We would never have had the flow-be for perfect at home hair cuts (That's for you, Tim). We wouldn't have TV or the movies. And blah blah blah...philosophical propaganda...blah blah blah

My point is this: Thanks to modern technology, you dear friends, family, and strangers, will be able to track my progress (Or lack there of) as I move to another country without my having to send five bazillion emails and attach photos and then reply to seventy-five different replies to my one email. Nor will I have to keep answering the same exact question day after day after long, long day. All you have to do now is come visit my very entertaining blog and read all my fascinating and profound... oh who am I kidding... All you have to do is come visit my
very entertaining blog and read all my fascinating and profound thoughts.

Many are already aware of my impending move to Panama City, Panama with my employer. And, in all seriousness, I know that the only reason I get lots of questions is because so many people care. Everybody wants to know what's going on and how the process is going. Hopefully this blog will be where you can catch up on all of my fun tidbits of information, mishaps (and anybody who has known me for long knows that my travels and lengthy stays in other countries always involve several mishaps), fun photos, and just altogether snarky thoughts and comments (Yes, I know I'm sarcastic. No, I do not intend to change.).
I also hope to give a little fun information about this tropical paradise that is Panama.

I look forward to (hopefully) keeping this blog as updated as possible. Leave me lots of comments and sarcasm. I always love a good fight via the interweb (that one's for you Richard). I'll post dates and destinations in the next post. This one is already far too wordy. Nobody will ever read my blog again if I just keep writing long winded drivel.

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