Tuesday, April 28, 2009

This Little Piggy Went to Market

In light of the new swine situation that is upon us and my impending travel, I thought I'd post these 1976 PSAs. These are honest to goodness Public Service Announcements from 1976 about the Swine Flu.

I have found these to be quite amusing. I guess there are more ways than one for the media to "scare" us into submission: The 2009 "this is a pandemic of epic proportions" type scare and the 1976 "and Dottie died...but before she died, she passed it on to...the dog" type scare. Please also be on the lookout for the lady smacking the paper kid on the hiney and "I'm too fast for the Swine Flu to catch up with me!" Oh, and apparently, if you are 55 (yet you look 75) and play golf every weekend, you're immune.

I also have found myself becoming very sad as of late. On Friday I will be leaving my old work group and joining the new one. Of course I'm excited to start the new job, but, I have some very good friends who I am not going to see on a daily basis anymore. When I start thinking about it, I become very sentimental and melancholy.

Having a good laugh always makes me feel better. Enter my co-worker (not friend) Jamie. One day she was singing a catchy little tune. I inquired as to what the little ditty was and a tradition was born. Any time we need a laugh we revert to this video. We also are quite fond of the Target Lady. But, I'll save that for another post. Though, if you're ever fortunate enough to be with me when I'm at Target, you'll get a little preview.

Either way, this little video always makes me laugh, so I thought I would share. From time to time, you may also hear (or read) me quote it. "I found a dead cat on the side of the road..." Gennifer and I, in fact, quote this to each other almost daily.

On a day when I'm feeling a bit more "witty", I'll post again. Today I'm just too sad. Hope you enjoy the videos!


  1. I'm glad we're co-workers and NOT friends!!! "is that baa-aaad?"

  2. So when are we going to have another update? I'm sure I can add an entry if needed?!

  3. It's coming! It's coming! I promise.
