Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wizard of Oz

I tell you. It looks like a tornado came through this house and spun its way through every room and threw everything in boxes. That's what I'm looking at right now: boxes. Well, that and the TV they thankfully haven't packed yet. My desk chair, in which I'm sitting, and the TV are the only things left unpacked.

I had intended to post the update about the house hunting trip first, but it just go so long... That trip was insane. INSANE. So, I thought I'd post the move update with a few pictures I took with my phone first, just so there is some sort of update to this blog.

It's a weird feeling watching all you own be packed up by strangers. As I was sitting and walking around the house watching them, I'd find myself staring at them while they worked. But, it was not because either one of them was particularly good looking. In fact, that had no influence on my gaze at all. Trust me. But rather I was staring trying to figure out what they were thinking. Are they thinking, "Wow, this lady has crappy stuff"? Or, maybe they're thinking, "Hey, she's not looking, I bet I could steal some of these priceless books her grandma gave her and she won't notice." And, actually, had I heard them thinking that, I would have told them to go ahead and take the books. I can't give them away because "Kristin darling..." is plastered inside all the covers and I don't want them! But it intrigued me thinking about what these guys have seen in their jobs. Hopefully I'm not one of the cases that stands out because of something they find and they go out with their buddies, drink beer, and laugh about the gross underwear they found in the drawers of that annoying curly blond headed girl's house.

Long story not so short, it's been an interesting emotional event, one of those ones I don't like to have to weather, actually. But, all in all, it has gone well.

Gennifer and my father deserve medals for this, though. Gennifer spent two full days helping me pack and go through everything that wasn't needed in Panama, buy loads of things that I know they don't have in Panama, and generally organize everything in my house for Panama. And, trust me, that was an adventure. The best was the trip to Sam's to buy in bulk, without going into too much detail, "feminine products" (I can send toiletries with my packed items and we women get used to something, and there's no changing.). I actually haven't laughed that hard in a long time. It was the ONLY thing we had in the basket. When we got up to the check out counter we were trying to think of a story we could tell the lady about our "purchase". That was quite funny. And, to Gennifer's credit, she didn't even complain once.

My poor father has been in Tulsa every weekend for the last two months helping me with random odds and ends. Granted, he did get a free trip to Panama out of the deal, so I don't feel too sorry for him (He went on the house hutning trip with me). He's lifted and shifted and carried everything possible. He came for the puppy last weekend. We loaded her house and all her belongings and he and Kara took my baby to her new home. This weekend he's coming back with a uhaul so we can clean out the garage of all the "I lived in a house and now I'm moving to an apartment so I don't need the type of things that are in a garage" stuff. That's gonna take awhile.

Those are my thoughts on this last week. Every day is a new barrage of emotion, which is always great (that's sarcasm). I am now officially staying with my cousins, which is a huge blessing. I don't know where I'd go if I didn't have them. They're taking very good care of me. Thanks guys.

Here are just a few pictures of the boxes all over my house. Wish them luck. Let's hope we see them again when they arrive at the apartment in Panama! Sorry the quality isn't great. Somebody forgot the cord for her camera and the card reader in her computer won't read her high capacity she can't download photos to her computer until she gets to Panama. The cord is in a box somewhere.

One view of the living room/dining room

A view of the other side of the living room

The bedroom

All in all, the movers seem to think that I don't have that much stuff. When I look at all the boxes I have, I can't imagine how many boxes an entire family has! Whew... thank goodness it's just me.

I'll post the house hunting trip blog soon. I promise.

1 comment:

  1. Kristen, I wish you the best in Panama!!
    I love your blog.
